Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Caught on Camera: San Marino Mayor Tosses Bag of "Dog Doo" on Neighbor's Walkway | NBC Southern California

Caught on Camera: San Marino Mayor Tosses Bag of "Dog Doo" on Neighbor's Walkway | NBC Southern California:

"Homeowner Philip Lao says that surveillance footage shows Kneier and his wife walking. In the video, Kneier’s wife is seen pointing to Lao’s walkway, and then Kneier is seen tossing the bag onto it.

Lao believes that Kneier was seeking revenge for his opposition to the mayor’s dog park proposal. Lao is against the dog park because he believes dogs are left there for hours as their owners run errands, and the dogs tend to fight when left unattended.

Lao lives a block away from Lacy Park, and as such, has "no poop zone" signs in his front lawn. According to Lao, Kneier does not like him posting signs like that, but Lao believes it is his right as a homeowner. Lao told the city council that when people take down their USC and UCLA signs, he’ll take down his "no poop zone" signs."


Well, of course. USC and UCLA signs---"no poop zone" signs--whatever, dude. It is astonishing how petty these neighborhood disputes become, but the evidence mounts up.

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