Sunday, December 22, 2013

Why the system of rail privatisation in the UK has been a disaster | British Politics and Policy at LSE

Why the system of rail privatisation in the UK has been a disaster | British Politics and Policy at LSE
"A troublemaking report from the Centre for Research in Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC) has been upsetting the powerful again. The Great Train Robbery: rail privatisation and after has a great deal to say about the business models that now underpin the disastrous system of rail privatisation in the UK, but it also reveals a pattern that will particularly interest the readers of a politics blog. It shows that the initial vision offered by privatisers of a transparent and democratically accountable set of privatised markets has turned out, in reality, to be something very different: the politics of rail privatisation involves backstairs lobbying, manipulation of the terms of public debate by well resourced private interests and a blurring of the divide between the public and the private."
In the 1980s many people saw privatization as a panacea for all the problems associated with provision of public goods. The "private sector" had all the answers, they said. Markets would bring about efficient delivery of high-quality public services.  Now there are hundreds of case studies raising all sorts of troubling questions.

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