Friday, November 01, 2013

Blind man fights with HOA over neighborhood fence |

Blind man fights with HOA over neighborhood fence | AUSTIN (KXAN) - A legally blind man is planning to sue his homeowners association after they blocked access to a bus stop.

Chris Prentice is legally blind. He moved into the Berdoll Farms neighborhood because of the easy access to the bus stop. Then the HOA installed a fence last week, meaning Prentice's walk is now about a mile long.

"We wanted something close enough to the bus that I could get to and from work independently, " Prentice said.

A year ago, the City of Austin sent a warning letter to the HOA saying the fence needed to be removed because it blocked access for disabled residents. The city also suggested a possible compromise and suggested adding a gate. So far, that hasn't happened.
Yet another paradoxical account from gated Privatopia where the gates ostensibly are there to keep the bad guys out but can also lock the inmates inside. 

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