Friday, August 23, 2013

Mayor: 'Everybody's wound up' over plans for white supremacist takeover of N.D. town

Mayor: 'Everybody's wound up' over plans for white supremacist takeover of N.D. town
"Craig Paul Cobb, 61, who has been called one of the most extreme white supremacists and neo-Nazis in the country, has purchased 13 lots in the mostly abandoned town of Leith with plans to fill the town with other racists and haters and eventually take over the community. Cobb himself lives in a small house in Leith and residents knew he was buying up other lots last year. It wasn't until the past few days that they learned of his scheme to turn Leith into a white nationalists' community, where people could fly Nazi flags and other racial banners, take over the city through elections and write their own laws."
This is one intentional community we can do without.

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