Sunday, August 04, 2013

Libertarian populism: The economic prescription for the right |

Libertarian populism: The economic prescription for the right |
Libertarianism is one of the cornerstones of common interest housing, although hardly anybody who lives in a CID knows that. And here is a writer from the American Enterprise Institute (right wing think tank) laying out a prescription for a form of libertarianism that could potentially make the Republican Party a majority party.  After all, despite all that Fox News/AM radio nonsense about Obama being a socialist, the truth is that the Democratic Party isn't really doing much to make life better for the declining middle class or what used to be called the working class. The Democrats are almost as committed to propping up too-big-to-fail banks, handing out subsidies and tax breaks to corporations, and waging endless unwinnable wars as the Republicans are.  Both parties are out of favor with the public. That creates a huge window of opportunity for a populist movement.  The Tea Party is not that movement.  It has fizzled as a popular movement and is now mainly a corporate-funded astroturf proxy for the religious right, fanatical tax protesters, and racists. Neither is the Occupy movement, which was suppressed by city police departments and appears to have no real future. And third parties face tremendous obstacles in the American political system. But if a true populist movement took hold in either major party, it would be a powerful electoral force. But the elites who control the two major parties should be expected to resist with all their might.

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