Thursday, August 29, 2013

Details revealed surrounding Hideaway Lake community investigati - KYTX CBS 19 Tyler Longview News Weather Sports

Details revealed surrounding Hideaway Lake community investigati - KYTX CBS 19 Tyler Longview News Weather Sports

So what we have here is a Texas HOA that is under investigation by the Smith County Sheriff's Office. It appears that a tree trimming company has complained that one or more HOA employees was or were demanding kickbacks in exchange for getting a contract. In a followup to the original story, it is reported that the general manager has been fired.

"The affidavit states two board members met with investigators about concerns surrounding some Hideaway Lake employees. "I'm going to use the word alleged, that he had to pay off or give a kickback to a Hideaway employee in order to do business in Hideaway," said Jerry Toon, board member. The affidavit reveals a vendor complained that the maintenance supervisor was requiring a 50%  kickback from the vendor to cut trees in Hideaway Lake. When the board started investigating, the affidavit says the general manager stopped all access to the invoices and records."

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