Thursday, August 22, 2013

Condo residents go to court over Divvy bike sharing station -

Condo residents go to court over Divvy bike sharing station -

David Kolin and his wife, Jeannine Cordero, learned Tuesday that the area in front of their North Side condo building soon would be home to a Divvy bike-sharing station, one of hundreds the Chicago Department of Transportation is installing across the city. The station, which can hold up to 15 of the baby-blue rental bikes, opened Wednesday near Addison Street and Pine Grove Avenue. But the three-unit building's condo association, of which Kolin is president, on Wednesday asked a Cook County judge to stop the station from becoming a fixture in front of their home. "We don't think it's appropriate in a residential area to have this thing set up," said Kolin, an attorney. "It's not a very attractive thing to have. It's led to crowds already."
Wow. Who would have guessed that the association that filed this churlish, obnoxious, NIMBY lawsuit was led by an attorney?  Who could have seen that coming?  Thanks to Mystery Reader for the link.

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