Thursday, July 18, 2013

Staropoli et al. v. Arizona |

Staropoli et al. v. Arizona |
George Staropoli and William Brown are the plaintiffs in a suit filed by the Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest that challenges recently-enacted SB 1454 on the grounds that the bill violates the single-subject rule and the rule requiring that the title of the bill reflect all matters addressed by the bill.

You can read the complaint here.  It appears from the complaint that the HOA-related provisions of this bill were put into SB 1454 after those provisions were defeated in HB 2371, which Staropoli and Brown opposed.  The title of SB 1454 says it is about elections and it was originally a campaign finance measure.

It appears that State Representative Michelle Ugenti is the individual who introduced the amendments. Here is how the Center summarizes what they claim she did:

"The Bill, which started out in the Senate as a campaign finance bill, ran afoul of the Arizona Constitution when it was amended in the House of Representatives to include numerous unrelated provisions dealing with Homeowners Associations (HOAs). The unrelated provisions were added to the bill at the behest of Representative Michelle Ugenti who had earlier tried, unsuccessfully, to get the provisions enacted into law in a separate bill." 

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