Tuesday, July 09, 2013

'Bulletproof' Arizona security team raises hackles at Gogebic mine site : Wsj

'Bulletproof' Arizona security team raises hackles at Gogebic mine site : Ws
"Two members of the Wisconsin Legislature are asking Gogebic Taconite to remove masked security guards who are toting semi-automatic rifles and wearing camouflaged uniforms from the mining company’s site in the Penokee Hills forest. Photos of the guards surfaced over the weekend on the websites of mine opponents. Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar, said Monday the guards are from Bulletproof Securities, an Arizona company that boasts a “no compromises security force.” “I’m appalled,” Jauch said. “There is no evidence to justify their presence.”
Jauch said he was especially concerned that the guards are carrying high-powered rifles more appropriate for fighting wars than for guarding construction equipment in a scenic forest that draws scores of hikers and vacationers in addition to mine protesters."

Charming.   And what is Gogebic Taconite?  According to Wikipedia: "Gogebic Taconite is an iron-ore mining company in development stage, based in Florida,[1] with a presence in Hurley, Wisconsin.[2][3] The company, owned by the larger mining outfit, Cline Resource and Development Group, is at the center of a dispute among politicians, community groups, environmental organizations, Native American tribal councils and various stakeholders because of a proposed mining project slated for operation in Iron and Ashland counties in northern Wisconsin."

update:  This blog has photos of these guys wearing masks.

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