Thursday, May 09, 2013

Religion Clause: Puerto Rico Federal Court Issues Opinion Explaining Its Prior Order On Proselytizers' Access To Gated Communities

Religion Clause: Puerto Rico Federal Court Issues Opinion Explaining Its Prior Order On Proselytizers' Access To Gated Communities
"In a long-running free-exercise/ free-speech case, in March a the federal district court in Puerto Rico, on remand from the 1st Circuit, ordered neighborhood homeowners' associations (urbanizations) that allow entry into the neighborhood only through an unmanned locked gate operated by a key, access code or beeper to provide Jehovah's Witnesses who wish to proselytize in the neighborhood access equal to that of residents."
Thanks to Mystery Reader for the link to this interesting case, which is explained on law professor Howard Friedman's blog.

1 comment:

  1. It also seems that despite the "gate", the streets behind the gate are public to begin with. So why should an HOA be permitted to impede traffic on a public street to begin with?

    This "tribe" mentality is absurd. THe HOA corporation is no better than a street thug (literally) trying to control all commerce and speech within the "turf" defined by the subdivision ("urbanization")
