Thursday, May 16, 2013

Loudon County seeks change in real estate law � Knoxville News Sentinel

Loudon County seeks change in real estate law � Knoxville News Sentinel: The proposed changes to the law would exempt county governments from paying property owners association assessments after acquiring the properties in tax-delinquency sales. Under current law, counties are responsible for paying such assessments if they acquire the property.

Making changes to the law has been a controversial process, said state Rep. Jimmy Matlock, R-Lenoir City.

“It has nationwide ramifications. It might turn upside down 150 years of real estate law,” he said.
The county wants to have it both ways.  It creates a private property taxation scheme by mandating the formation of residential private governments -- homeowner associations -- but then wants to exempt itself from those private assessments.  If Loudon and other counties throughout the United States don't want to be liable for the additional layer of property taxation that they themselves have put in place, then they need to revisit their policies that require private financing and governance of residential developments via mandatory HOAs.

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