Tuesday, April 02, 2013

BIDs the solution for teen mobs?

Chicago, youth mobs, Gold Coast - chicagotribune.com:
"Ald. Brendan Reilly, 42nd, has a much better idea. He's introduced an ordinance that could put off-duty cops to work in commercial districts — in uniform and under the direction of the Police Department — paid for by local merchants through local chambers of commerce, business improvement districts or special taxing districts. That makes more sense than an earlier plan to expand police powers to private security guards.

Reilly says his proposal is a stopgap, not a solution. Chicago needs hundreds more full-time cops that it can't afford. In the meantime, his proposal would give businesses the option of hiring sworn officers to supplement the police presence in their neighborhoods. The plan isn't specific to downtown, he says. But that seems like an obvious place to start, and soon. Summer's coming."
So--protection in the business districts through hiring the cops as security guards?

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