Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fairfax homeowners group humbled by court battle with residents - The Washington Post

Fairfax homeowners group humbled by court battle with residents - The Washington Post:
The feud that consumed Fairfax County’s Olde Belhaven would span four years and cost the community as much as $400,000, and it was ignited by one of the smallest of sparks: an Obama for President sign. The modest placard Sam and Maria Farran planted in their yard during the 2008 election put them on a collision course with the neighborhood homeowners association. It was four inches taller than the association’s covenants allowed....“Their growth means there are a lot of people in HOAs who haven’t necessarily bought into the lifestyle,” said Evan McKenzie, a University of Illinois professor who has written two books on HOAs. “Some like the higher level of rulemaking, but others don’t like the fines and control. You have conflict when these groups come together.”
Good story from the Washington Post on this horribly expensive lawsuit.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to see more implosions of these horid HOAs.

    It would not be the first time something usefull arose from rubble.

    The far more prevelant result of the Farran debacle would have been for them to submit to the arbitrary will of the board.... just not the American way.

    Or to quote the anonymous American major after the destruction of the Vietnamese Village Ben Tre:

    "It became necessary to destroy the village in order to save it."
