Friday, January 04, 2013

Think tank to study privatizing most Postal Service operations - The Washington Post

Think tank to study privatizing most Postal Service operations - The Washington Post

"As members of Congress pledged Thursday to revive legislation to save the financially ailing U.S. Postal Service, a Washington think tank announced it will conduct an independent study of how the quasi-government agency could cede much of its operation to private companies. The review by the nonprofit National Academy of Public Administration will analyze the benefits of restoring the agency’s financial health by using a “hybrid” model, which would farm out to the private sector postal operations other than the last delivery mile. A letter carrier would still drive or walk that last part, dropping letters and packages in mailboxes."
So the easy part would be privatized, and the hard part would be left to the the quasi-public Postal Service. Sounds like the usual cream-skimming that characterizes many privatization arrangements.

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