Thursday, January 03, 2013

Python purge: Florida contest turns public loose in Everglades | Fox News

Python purge: Florida contest turns public loose in Everglades | Fox News
Privatization in action.  Pay $50, take a 30 minute course, and head off into the Everglades to kill Burmese Pythons. What could possibly go wrong?

"The Sunshine State is hosting a month-long “Python Challenge" beginning Jan.12 with cash prizes of up to $1,500 for the biggest snakes caught. Wildlife officials urge caution, but beyond the online course and the fee, there are no other requirements to hunt down the Burmese pythons, which can reach nearly 18 feet in length and have devastated much of the southern Florida ecosystem...The commission’s website includes tips on how to identify Burmese pythons -- and how to kill them. Recommended methods for dispatching the animals include hacking off their heads with a machete or shooting them with a gun."

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