Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Death threats for woman feeding feral cats in Mesa | azfamily.com Phoenix

Death threats for woman feeding feral cats in Mesa | azfamily.com Phoenix
So this story says that a lady who lives in an HOA is feeding the feral cats. Her HOA fines her. But then a board member, who happens to be a cat lover, forwards to her an email that was sent from another member of the HOA Board of Directors to the entire board, laying out the options for dealing with the situation:

"This lady is another looney tune character. Why would we be blessed with another one ????
How about if we informed her that we will take action in regards to her activities of feeding the feral cats on the property.
A. We will trap the cats and dispose of.
B. We could set out a poison control substance ounce for ounce of what she feeds the cats.
C. Just shoot her and put her out her misery....
Best I can think of that may or may not be legal....."
 This is the sort of irresponsible nonsense that has come to be associated with HOAs in the public mind.  We have untrained, unsupervised volunteer directors making decisions on all sorts of important matters, with virtually no oversight. Many of these directors act as though they can say and do whatever they want, because nobody is watching. Thanks to Fred Fisher for the link.

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