Saturday, January 05, 2013

Corporate personhood advances – in carpool lane - Political Blotter - Politics in the Bay Area and beyond

Corporate personhood advances – in carpool lane - Political Blotter - Politics in the Bay Area and beyond: "Corporate personhood takes a new leap forward Monday as a Marin County motorist challenges his traffic ticket by arguing it was OK to drive in the carpool lane because his corporation was with him.

Jonathan Frieman, a local activist and nonprofit consultant, was ticketed Oct. 2 for driving in the carpool lane during restricted hours; the officer apparently wasn’t impressed when Frieman showed him his incorporation papers. A traffic court hearing is scheduled for Monday afternoon.

The fine for such a violation is $478, but Frieman, 59, of San Rafael, says that if the court rules against him Monday, he’s prepared to appeal the case all the way to the California Supreme Court in an effort to expose the impracticality of corporate personhood."
Great argument. Just cite Citizens United v. FEC

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