Monday, December 03, 2012

The Occidental Weekly : Taitz loses court case to Occidental over Obama’s records

The Occidental Weekly : Taitz loses court case to Occidental over Obama’s records:
According to the court observer, Judge Marginis did comment on Taitz’s quality of evidence when she presented a folder of it to the judge.
“You should know that evidence is not stuff printed from the internet,” Marginis said, responding to Taitz’s continued argument after he made the decision to quash the subpoena and award $4,000 in sanctions to Occidental College.
True. And that is a general lesson not just for birthers, but for the many other people who like to make up their own wackadoodle legal theories and head off to court with them. That sort of thing can become expensive when the judge throws out the case.  There is a lot of room to be creative with the law, and that is a good thing. We need to have people exploring the outer limits of civil liberties and rights, for example. But making up your own law and then trying to live by it is a dangerous thing. People who claim they don't have to pay taxes and refuse to recognize the federal government, or people who keep insisting that the president was born in Kenya, need to wake up and join the real world.

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