Thursday, December 27, 2012

Michael Mann v. National Review Online

his will be an interesting lawsuit to watch. Penn State climate change scientist and Nobel Laureate Michael Mann is suing National Review Online, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and right wing "journalists" Marc Steyn and Rand Simberg for defamation. They accused him of academic fraud for his work on climate change and basically compared him to Penn State child molester Jerry Sandusky. The price of climate change denial just went up. Mann is represented by Cozen O'Connor. It isn't fun to be sued by those folks. NRO is already doing online begging for money.

And it is worth noting that internet posts accusing other people of crime, fraud, and other moral failings are risky propositions these days. 

1 comment:

  1. I got a nice letter from my association attorney threatening me with a libel suit for posting that our HOA pres. "ripped off" my 92 year old neighbor.
    I told them to (to quote Bush II) bring it on!
    I sent a very nice letter detailing how the HOA knowingly violated one of our general laws here in MA, repudiating an otherwise irrevocable recorded document regarding my elderly neighbors home.
    Plus, you really must know how to defend yourself in court in our brave new world.
    Paying an attorney to "win"....well victory must taste like ashes in our mouths.
