Saturday, November 10, 2012

Illinois Supreme Court to Consider Possible Limits on Homeowners Association Security | Sedgwick LLP - JDSupra

Illinois Supreme Court to Consider Possible Limits on Homeowners Association Security | Sedgwick LLP - JDSupra
The case is Poris v. Lake Holiday Property Owners Association. The big question: what powers do HOA security guards have to conduct traffic stops and detention for violation of an HOA speed limit? Did the detention constitute false imprisonment?  The Illinois Supreme Court will decide. The appellate court opinion that is the basis of the appeal is here.

1 comment:

  1. HOAs have all of the characteristics of banana republics....with the exception of a private army of thugs that enforce their edicts...the courts are typically clueless about the intrinsic nature of will be very interesting to see what happens here.
