Monday, October 08, 2012

Treasurer accused of stealing $70,000 from west Toledo homeowner - News, Weather & Sports for Toledo, OH

Treasurer accused of stealing $70,000 from west Toledo homeowner - News, Weather & Sports for Toledo, OH: TOLEDO, OH (Toledo News Now) -

Residents of west Toledo's Lincolnshire neighborhood are upset after a police report has surfaced alleging a member of the neighborhood association stole from its members.

A report filed by the association's board of trustees claims former association treasurer Peter Williamson stole more than $70,000 from the association's accounts between 2011 and August of 2012, when he resigned. Residents say just three days after Williamson's resignation they received a letter requesting they pay an additional $100 in neighborhood dues in order to pay for pool repairs. The cost of those repairs, residents say, was suspiciously similar to the amount missing.
Innocent until proven guilty. But these kinds of stories are all too common in Privatopia.

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