Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Suburban poverty Kabul style: One million residents populate the steep hills around the Afghan capital... but it's a long way from the high life | Mail Online

Poverty i Kabul style: One million residents populate the steep hills around the Afghan capital... but it's a long way from the high life | Mail Online

"Low-income housing has spread high into the hills and, while running water has been recently added to some of the luckier neighbourhoods, foul and disease-laden open sewers still run downhill through streets and putrid gutters.
In suburbs like Jamal Mina, home to construction worker Ahmad Tazim and his family, residents are almost literally on top of each other - living a hand-to-mouth existence made even wore brutal by the seemingly endless conflict in the country.
But life is to become even worse for Tazim and other construction workers like him - the booming construction industry is about to bust. And it's not just disastrous news for the poor in the country: the emerging upper class in Kabul alsoface losing their new mansions and high-rise apartments in a much-feared economic freefall."


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