Sunday, October 28, 2012

9-year-old boy’s fort causes a stir with the neighbors |

9-year-old boy’s fort causes a stir with the neighbors | Nicholas Aarsvold, 9, does what little boys do: Play in the woods, throw rocks in the creek and build stuff.

However, his latest creation, a small “fort” nestled between two nandina shrubs in front of his Northwest Hills townhome, is causing a stir with some neighbors who believe it’s unsightly.

Nicholas’s fort violates the architectural rules set by the Summerwood Homeowners Association, said Stan Scheiber, the managing agent for the community of 136 townhomes near Steck Avenue, west of MoPac Boulevard. On Thursday, the association’s board of directors voted to send Ramona Aarsvold, the boy’s mother, a letter giving her 10 days to take the structure down.
Recently a girl's pink playhouse caused a ruckus in Privatopia.  Now it's a little boy's play fortress.  More bad press for Privatopia. Film at 10.


  1. In his 1957 review of Atlas Shrugged for the conservative publication National Review, Whittaker Chambers wrote:

    Yet from the impromptu and surprisingly gymnastic matings of
    the heroine and three of the heroes, no children — it
    suddenly strikes you — ever result. The possibility is never
    entertained. And, indeed, the strenuously sterile world of
    Atlas Shrugged is scarcely a place for children. You
    speculate that, in life, children probably irk the author
    and may make her uneasy.

    Somebody should ask some of the self-described "family values" pundits, politicians, and candidates how they reconcile their support for HOA corporations with HOAs' "War Against Children".

  2. Good for the HOA.

    If this kid is allowed to get away with violating the rules that he agreed to, he will grow up with a sense of entitlement and vote for Democrats.

    Instead of letting him violate the property rights of others, this kid's mom should make him read Atlas Shrugged.

  3. T. Partier -

    If this is sarcasm, it's too understated. But surely you aren't saying that it's legal in Texas for 9 year old boys to sign contracts? Otherwise, I'm not sure how 9 year old Nicholas agreed to the rules.

    Atlas Shrugged is so thick, it would enhance the structural stability of the fort greatly.

  4. T. Partier -

    Atlas Shrugged is a thick enough book that it could be used as structural support for the fort. Nobody should have to read it.

    When did Texas start allowing 9 year old boys to sign contracts and be held responsible for rules violations? (Let me guess. It's in the Constitution?)
