Sunday, September 16, 2012

US Housing Outlook Improves: 1.3 Million Households Gain Positive Equity - Yahoo! News

US Housing Outlook Improves: 1.3 Million Households Gain Positive Equity - Yahoo! News: CoreLogic's data shows a wide variance by state in home equity rates. It listed Nevada with the highest percentage of mortgaged properties in negative equity at 59 percent, followed by Florida (43 percent), Arizona (40 percent), Georgia (36 percent) and Michigan (33 percent). These top five states combined account for 34.1 percent of the total amount of negative equity in the U.S. Minnesota is above average with a 17.1% negative equity share. As more homeowners actually find that their home's equity has increased, it adds favorable opinion that the U.S. housing outlook is indeed improving.
Some positive news.  But as the numbers show, much of Privatopia remains underwater.

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