Monday, September 24, 2012

The Gray Tsunami | Aging | DISCOVER Magazine

The Gray Tsunami | Aging | DISCOVER Magazine:
"Sun City’s radical idea—to restrict home ownership to people 55 and older—effectively excluded families and children from the development. But recently the policy was updated. Now only one owner has to be over 55, this to accommodate residents with younger spouses. Getting back in the van and touring the quiet, curving streets, with their neat plantings and pink-tinted gravel, the ASU group sees no pregnant women or kids, no young people whatsoever. Sun City has a fertility rate of zero."
And of course this exclusion of the young was accomplished by private restrictive covenant, made possible by laws that granted the elderly an exception from anti-discrimination statutes.  HOAs were set up in large part to enforce such restrictions.  Before that, covenants were used to exclude African-Americans,  Jews, Asians, and the Irish, and HOAs enforced those.  Now we have all these gated communities that keep everybody out except the burglars disguised as joggers.

1 comment:

  1. "Now we have all these gated communities that keep everybody out except the burglars disguised as joggers."

    They also fail to keep out the thieves disguised as HOA board members, HOA property managers, and HOA attorneys.
