Friday, July 13, 2012

Smoking Banned Inside Santa Monica Residences | NBC Southern California

Smoking Banned Inside Santa Monica Residences | NBC Southern California

"Smoking is already banned at beaches, parks, restaurants and near buildings in Santa Monica, but Tuesday night the city council sought to expand that prohibition and voted 4-2 to ban smoking for all new tenants of apartments and condos inside their residences – with one exception.

“It also requires existing residents to designate their units as smoking or non smoking and from then on it will be prohibited to smoke in a non smoking unit,” said Adam Radinksy, head of the Consumer Protection Unit in Santa Monica."
With condo buildings and apartment buildings going non-smoking, it seems that the People's Republic of Santa Monica has pretty much banned smoking. I guess if you can afford a single-family home in Santa Monica you can post a sign and smoke your head off, but that's a pretty ritzy real estate market.

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