Saturday, July 21, 2012

Giving the green finger: Gardener who carved bush into rude gesture ordered to remove it | Mail Online

Giving the green finger: Gardener who carved bush into rude gesture ordered to remove it | Mail Online

"A gardener who carved a giant bush into a hand displaying a rude gesture has been ordered to remove it after being accused of committing a public order offence.
Richard Jackson has displayed the offending topiary, which shows the middle-finger sign, in his garden for the last eight years.
The 53-year-old has now been told by the council to alter it after a neighbour complained, but he has refused to comply."
Green-fingered: The carved shrub


  1. "Richard Jackson has displayed the offending topiary, which shows the middle-finger sign, in his garden for the last eight years.
    The 53-year-old has now been told by the council to alter it after a neighbour complained, but he has refused to comply."

    Ipsa loquitur

  2. I am not an advocate for, nor do I use, these types of "gestures," but others believe differently. I guess, in America, although offensive to many, this would be covered under "Freedom of Speech"?
    It would be so fitting if this "hedge sculptor," were an innocent homeowner in an HOA being targeted, terrorized, discriminated against, singled out fraudulently fined, assessed and thuggery, extortion fraudulent foreclosure threats....What an interesting response to an abusive board, property manager, attorney, etc.. this would be! I think this might get more attention than the pink flamingos! Maybe this will start a trend. The reality is, although maybe well deserved for what some horribly abusive boards, property managers and attorneys, etc., for what they have done to innocent people, homeowners, and it is really a sad that these occurrences have happened in the first place.

  3. His yard looks well maintained and his gardening skills are way above average. I love the detail. Notice the nails and the folds on the inside if his fingers?

    I think we should give the man a cigar or maybe CAI could create a special award for anyone who shows their creativity.

  4. Oh my! The heck with pink flamingos...where can we get some of these?
