Tuesday, July 03, 2012

California Passes Significant Protections Against Illegal Foreclosure Processes | FDL News Desk

California Passes Significant Protections Against Illegal Foreclosure Processes | FDL News Desk
"Pressured by a coalition of activists and state Attorney General Kamala Harris, the California legislature completed a months-long project yesterday to significantly improve its foreclosure process.  The measure gives homeowners a new right to sue over fraudulent practices, ends dual tracking – where servicers process foreclosures while negotiating loan modifications – and extends a single point of contact at all borrowers. The state Assembly passed the companion bills by 53-25, with the Senate passing by 25-13."
This is the most aggressive mortgage foreclosure reform bill so far. I think I have the right one here--A. B. 278..
See more detail on this at the Center for Responsible Lending.

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