Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Residents battle it out with San Antonio HOA | San Antonio

Residents battle it out with San Antonio HOA | San Antonio: HOA board members say the residents knew about the deed of restrictions when they purchased their home, and that ultimately the association is just trying to maintain property values.

1 comment:

  1. The "board" member started off with the incorrect premise that their actions were i) somehow going to alter property values in a positive way, and ii) that such a premise was all that was needed to justify any action. The ultimate threat is that of foreclosure. That's right, the HOA board will threaten to kick you out of the house that you own lest you do whatever they demand that you do and pay whatever they demand that you pay. These homes are not owned by the HOA and there is no legal theory short of feudalism to support the idea of perpetual forward looking liens requiring regular tithes to the HOA corporation and which can never be paid off.
