Monday, June 04, 2012

Points to be aware of in HOA scandal - VEGAS INC

Points to be aware of in HOA scandal - VEGAS INC

During the early and mid 2000s, when the scam was operating, it wasn’t specifically illegal to rig an HOA board election. Attorneys say that’s why most of the guilty pleas so far are for wire and mail fraud.

But in response to the scam, the Legislature has made it a felony to fraudulently alter the results of an HOA election.
How's that for a lack of oversight?  Until recently, it wasn't a crime in Nevada to rig an HOA election.


  1. In fact, it is standard operating practice to "rig" HOA elections. Management companies practice it all the time. Since there is typically no right to vote, the votes of those with no rights are discarded as appropriate to achieve the desired outcome.

  2. When people are oppressed by Communism, they are told that it's for their own good.

    When people are oppressed by Capitalism, they are told that they agreed to it.
