Saturday, June 02, 2012

More indictments could come in Vegas homeowner association fraud case

Federal judge taking pleas in Vegas homeowner association fraud case | Reno Gazette-Journal | A prosecutor told a federal judge in Las Vegas that more indictments may come after 14 defendants pleaded guilty in a sweeping federal investigation of Southern Nevada homeowner associations steering business to favored attorneys and businesses.

The assembly line-style proceedings Thursday in U.S. District Court in Las Vegas brought to 25 the number of people who have pleaded guilty since last year in an ongoing HOA fraud and corruption probe focusing on rigged elections that packed homeowner association boards with co-conspirators between 2003 and 2009.
When Phil "The Ghostbuster" Testa was alive and kicking about in Sin City more than a decade ago, the Brooklyn native alluded to NYC co-op boards being turned into ATMs for their vendors and drew parallels to what he saw happening in Vegas.

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