Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mass. town OKs $20 fines for swearing in public - Yahoo! News

Mass. town OKs $20 fines for swearing in public - Yahoo! News

MIDDLEBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — Residents in Middleborough voted Monday night to make the foul-mouthed pay fines for swearing in public.
At a town meeting, residents voted 183-50 to approve a proposal from the police chief to impose a $20 fine on public profanity.
Officials insist the proposal was not intended to censor casual or private conversations, but instead to crack down on loud, profanity-laden language used by teens and other young people in the downtown area and public parks.
One of the most consistent findings from public opinion research is that most Americans claim they believe in constitutional rights and liberties, but when they are asked about specific applications of those provisions to unpopular minorities, such as protecting the rights of atheists, they say "well, but not for them."


  1. "One of the most consistent findings from public opinion research is that most Americans claim they believe in constitutional rights and liberties, but when they are asked about specific applications of those provisions to unpopular minorities, such as protecting the rights of atheists, they say 'well, but not for them.' "

    Conservatives claim that they

    - support the troops
    - are for individual private property rights
    - are for "common sense"
    - against lawyers
    - against "zero tolerance" policies
    - against double-taxation
    - against numerous and complex regulations that nobody can be expected to understand
    - against unaccountable and secretive government
    - against the collective ownership of private property

    yet support H.O.A. corporations, which are the opposite of these conservative principles.

    The only conservative principle that H.O.A. corporations do represent is corporatism.

    Although the Tea Partiers have adopted the "Don't Tread On Me" flag as their symbol, their support for H.O.A.s is evidence that there is nothing they really crave more than to be tread upon by a privately-owned corporate boot stomping on their face forever.

  2. This reminds me of the scene in Demolition Man where Sylvester Stalone (a cop) wakes up in the future, swears and automatically the computer alarm sounds and spits out tickets to fine him. Because they don't use toilet paper in that century and he really has to take a dump he approaches the wall and repeatedly swears so he has something to wipe himself with.
