Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Lawsuit: HOA Guards Threatened Tenants With Tasers, Stole Naked Pictures Over Foreclosure Miscommunication - The Consumerist

Lawsuit: HOA Guards Threatened Tenants With Tasers, Stole Naked Pictures Over Foreclosure Miscommunication - The Consumerist

Renters of a California condo say they got a rude awakening when a group of guards hired by their homeowners association allegedly used Taser guns to evict them from a house they didn't know had been foreclosed on.
According to the lawsuit filed this week in the Superior Court of California in Sacramento, the guards entered the building without permission around 3 a.m. and began a "military style raid of plaintiffs' residence."
One officer allegedly told the tenants who were present at the time that the building was supposed to be vacant and that everyone in the condo would be charged with burglary and trespassing. The guards said they had been told by the HOA that the people in the building were squatters.
Thanks to Mystery Reader for this story about an HOA that went all Rambo on some tenants in a foreclosed unit. The article says there was an unlawful detainer action on file to evict them, but the tenants hadn't been served with it so they didn't know about it. Now there is another lawsuit: "The tenants have sued the guards and the HOA, seeking damages for trespass, extortion, assault and battery, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, conversion and intentional infliction of emotional distress."
Here is the full original story.

1 comment:

  1. Finally, a paramilitary-raid that libertarians can support...

    ...because it was carried out by a private corporation.
