Thursday, April 05, 2012

Architects float answers to rising seas around the world –

Architects float answers to rising seas around the world –
BANGKOK (AP) – A floating mosque and golf course for the submerging Maldives islands. Amphibious homes in the Netherlands lifted to safety as waters surge beneath them. A hospital perched on 400 stilts to protect patients from Thailand's devastating floods and the encroaching sea..Around the world, architects and city planners are exploring ways mankind and water may be able to coexist as oceans rise and other phenomenon induced by climate change, including extreme, erratic floods, threaten land-rooted living. With the Dutch at the helm, projects in the cutting-edge field of aqua-architecture are already in place, including a maritime housing estate, floating prison and greenhouses in the Netherlands..
Makes sense that the Dutch would be doing this, after all those years living below sea level.

1 comment:

  1. "Makes sense that the Dutch would be doing this, after all those years living below sea level."

    What about all the homeowners in America who are "under-water"?
