Sunday, March 11, 2012

More Boomers Selling Homes, but Who Will Buy Them? - US Business News - CNBC

More Boomers Selling Homes, but Who Will Buy Them? - US Business News - CNBC
 "As boomers downsize because of retirement, finances, health or death, they're expected to release some 26 million homes onto the market by 2030, according to the Policy Center paper. The problem is that echo-boomers, or Generation Y—those born between 1982 and 1995—may not be buying up the inventory, says Pendall, whose retired mother is trying to sell a home and downsize." --- 
How can anybody expect them to buy homes? They owe a bazillion dollars in student loans and credit card debt and they just watched the price of housing fall through the floor and stay there. Now they should borrow $250K to buy a McMansion in the suburbs? Say what?

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