Saturday, March 31, 2012

Don't question your HOA or you might get arrested - Friday, March 30, 2012 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Don't question your HOA or you might get arrested - Friday, March 30, 2012 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Frank and Stebbins accused two board members of “forgery” — essentially knowingly signing a false statement — which was probably also imprudent. According to a police affidavit, Frank told the investigator a “flagrantly false” board resolution related to the surplus was “used to deceive the community membership and government agencies concerning the improper disposition of millions of dollars of overcharged/surplus homeowner assessments.”
After an investigation, Henderson Police exonerated the board members and then arrested … Frank and Stebbins.

Thanks to Rodney Gray and others for sending me this link.  It turned out that Frank and Stebbins were right about the position the IRS would take on the surplus, although that issue, amounting to a tax liability of $1.35 million, is disputed and is still being negotiated. In the meantime, the cops arrested them and they were charged with making a false police report. Say what?  Eventually the case against Frank and Stebbins was dropped, but as reporter Coolican says, "This seems to be a curious use of government resources." What is the nature of the relationship between the HOA board of directors and the Henderson police and city government, that such a thing would happen? Strange days, indeed.

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