Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Condo Owner In Fight Over Mezuzah On Doorpost -

Condo Owner In Fight Over Mezuzah On Doorpost -

A homeowner who faces a fine of $50 a day for hanging a glass mezuzah on her doorpost, and who is threatening to take legal action against her Stratford-based condo association, has gained the support of the Anti-Defamation League.
The California Condo Association, 40 California St., allows unit owners to display religious items on the outside of doors, but not on their doorposts, the frame around the door.
The Connecticut branch of the Anti-Defamation League says such a by-law is an attack against the Jewish faith.
Crosses:  OK.  Mezuzah?  No way.  Now--you tell me how you think this will play out in court.

1 comment:

  1. In the 7th Circuit - this is a FHA violation see. Block v. Shoreline Towers.
