Sunday, February 12, 2012

Walker, Van Hollen: Chunk of mortgage settlement going to state budget - JSOnline

Walker, Van Hollen: Chunk of mortgage settlement going to state budget - JSOnline

But of a $31.6 million payment coming directly to the state government, most of that money - $25.6 million - will go to help close a budget shortfall revealed in newly released state projections. Van Hollen, whose office said he has the legal authority over the money, made the decision in consultation with Walker.

"Just like communities and individuals have been affected, the foreclosure crisis has had an effect on the state of Wisconsin, in terms of unemployment. . . . This will offset that damage done to the state of Wisconsin," Walker said.


Scott Walker is the Koch Brothers-funded tool who ambushed the public employee unions after he became governor. Now he is stealing a bunch of the mortgage foreclosure settlement to balance the budget. It is too early to say for sure, but I think when all the facts are in a few years from now, Walker, Kasich, Daniels, and Scott will turn out to have been as bad for their respective states' economies as David Cameron has been for the UK, which remains mired in recession.

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