Saturday, February 04, 2012

I-Team: HOA Investigation Heating Up

I-Team: HOA Investigation Heating Up
"So far, 10 people have entered guilty pleas and have promised to testify against the big fish. In the near future, perhaps a matter of a few days, a dozen or more additional indictments and plea agreements involving mid-level targets are likely to surface. Once they are in place, the focus will shift to the top suspects who raked in millions of dollars."
Thanks to Shu Bartholomew for this link. This investigation has been going on since 2007, they say, and so far nobody has gone to jail. This may mean that those who pled out will testify against the higher-ups first, and then be sentenced. But how high will this go? The article mentions police officers and attorneys as possible targets of the investigation. Do we have the full picture of this massive, elaborate fraud yet? And when can we watch the TV movie?

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