Sunday, January 22, 2012

Van Jones: Obama Must Choose on Housing: A Sweetheart Deal for the 1% or a Fair Deal for the 99%

Van Jones: Obama Must Choose on Housing: A Sweetheart Deal for the 1% or a Fair Deal for the 99%
Rumor has it that on Monday, after months of negotiation with big banks, the White House may announce a settlement that would let the banks off the hook for their role in the foreclosure crisis -- paying a tiny fraction of what's needed in exchange for blanket immunity from future lawsuits.

We hope these rumors are untrue.

President Obama has the ability to stop and change the direction of this sweetheart deal. He should reject any deal that benefits the one percent and lets the big banks get away with their crimes. Instead, the president should stand with the 99 percent and push for real accountability and a solution that will help millions of people in this country.

From Van Jones, who was Obama's Green Jobs Czar until the right wingers went after him on AM radio and Fox News.

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