Friday, January 20, 2012

U.S. AG Eric Holder, DoJ Head Lanny Breuer Linked To Banks Accused Of Foreclosure Fraud

U.S. AG Eric Holder, DoJ Head Lanny Breuer Linked To Banks Accused Of Foreclosure Fraud
In recent weeks the Justice Department has come under renewed pressure from members of Congress, state and local officials and homeowners' lawyers to open a wide-ranging criminal investigation of mortgage servicers, the biggest of which have been Covington clients. So far Justice officials haven't responded publicly to any of the requests.

While Holder and Breuer were partners at Covington, the firm's clients included the four largest U.S. banks - Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo & Co - as well as at least one other bank that is among the 10 largest mortgage servicers.

Why won't the DOJ prosecute the big banks for their blatant mortgage fraud? This might explain it. But at the very least they should recuse themselves and appoint a special prosecutor to handle the investigation.


  1. Why won't the DOJ prosecute the perpetrators in the fraudulent, extortion HOA, COA, CID FRAUD-CLOSURES? Innocent people, families, who owed nothing, were set up for these scam foreclosures, in my experience and opinion. Selective discrimination, 'selective," enforcement and in the absence of either of those just make it up. Yes, attys, board member(s), insurance agents and in my experience some industry "professionals," just made up knowingly false "allegations," to destroy lives and steal homes! In the real world and areas where one would believe justice, would prevail, well think again...This is a tragedy in America and in every locale, where innocent homeowners were targeted for this criminal activity, the perpetrators need to be held accountable and the victims rectified. Hopefully, Pennsylvania will be leading the nation in these prosecutions. It is long overdue!

  2. > Why won't the DOJ prosecute the big banks for their blatant mortgage fraud?

    > Why won't the DOJ prosecute the perpetrators in the fraudulent, extortion HOA, COA, CID FRAUD-CLOSURES?

    Because to do so would be a major disruption to the housing industry, creating further uncertainty in an already damaged market.
