Sunday, January 15, 2012

Therapy Dog Federal Case | Co-op Board | Habitat Magazine

Therapy Dog Federal Case | Co-op Board | Habitat Magazine
Heartless or clueless? The board of a no-pet seniors co-op on Long Island unleashed the hounds on a frail old woman who owned what her doctors called a therapy dog. Now, after the dog's removal and the woman's death, the situation has become literally a federal case about discrimination against the disabled.
Thanks to Pamela McKuen for this link.


  1. If it takes a death, 3 years, and the power and resources of the federal government to investigate an association for wrongdoing, what recourse do most of us have?

  2. A month later, the folks at have finally gotten around to this.

    Of course, the only lawyers that the folks at have a problem with are those who represent individuals against corporations.

    Corporate lawyers who abuse individuals are just swell according to their right-wing ideology.
