Monday, January 16, 2012

Report: Troyer acted alone in anonymous emails |

Report: Troyer acted alone in anonymous emails |
If you want to see the problem with anonymous emails, read this. I teach at the University of Illinois at Chicago, one of three U of I campuses. The current president of the system, Michael Hogan, has a right hand henchperson named Lisa Troyer who has been with him for all three of his last jobs. He is trying to centralize admissions for all three campuses, which has produced a lot of faculty opposition. There was a faculty Senate committee discussing it on an email list. One of the members was spying for Troyer and feeding her confidential information (using a gmail pseudonymous account) that she was passing on to Hogan. But then Troyer (according to a detailed investigation) created her own fake id and started sending phony comments to the Senate committee members, claiming that she was a Senator who agreed with Hogan and was being intimidated. A computer science prof figured out what she had done, after which the whole stupid ploy melted down. Now she has lost her chief of staff job.

But the point is that people use fake identities on the web for all sorts of reasons, some good and some bad.

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