Tuesday, January 03, 2012

New Class At Columbia Focuses On Occupy Wall Street « CBS New York

New Class At Columbia Focuses On Occupy Wall Street « CBS New York
Columbia University will offer a new course for upperclassmen and grad students next semester. An Occupy Wall Street class will send students into the field and will be taught by Dr. Hannah Appel, a veteran of the Occupy movement.

The course begins next semester and will be divided between class work at Columbia’s Morningside Heights campus and fieldwork that will require students to become involved with the Occupy movement outside of the classroom.

The course will be called “Occupy the Field: Global Finance, Inequality, Social Movement” it will be run by the anthropology department.

Thanks to Marc Plastrik for this link. I think this crosses the line between teaching the respected anthropological method of participant-observation and mandated activism. Obviously the students who take it will be pro-OWS, but I think with undergrads professors shouldn't force things like this on them. And you have to wonder what the professor will do if a student does the fieldwork and then writes an anti-OWS paper.

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