Saturday, January 07, 2012

Argument provokes fatal shooting in Lapu | Sun.Star

Argument provokes fatal shooting in Lapu | Sun.Star
Police believe the attack on Lapaz may have stemmed from an old rift over the collection of association dues. Lapaz, who was aboard her Mitsubishi Montero, had stopped in front of their village gate to call her 20-year-old son, Buenjer Acoril. She instructed Acoril to open the gate, as Villarba was not in the guard house. But as Acoril opened the gate, Villarba, along with Emborong, arrived and allegedly stopped Lapaz’s son. Acoril and Villarba began arguing, with the latter claiming that Lapaz cannot enter the village without a sticker prescribed by the homeowners’ association. Lapaz then joined the argument, allegedly cussing out the security guard and dragging Emborong into her tirade. That’s when Emborong allegedly returned to the guard house, took out Villarba’s shotgun, and shot Lapaz. After shooting the woman, Emborong, along with another security guard, Rodolfo Cavalida, fled from the area.
As I keep saying, if you think things are bad in your HOA, consider how things work elsewhere around the globe--in this case, the Philippines. Thanks to Fred Pilot for this link.

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