Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hands off my property, man tells HOA

Busch put a sign on his garage stating he should have property rights and there should not be an HOA. He's been fighting with the Sand Lake Hills homeowners association since 2008. He sued the HOA and 99 homeowners because he claims the HOA was formed illegally.

Each homeowner is supposed to agree to form an HOA, but he says that did not happen."This is property rights. How can they come on my property and assess me for anything they want?"
The plaintiff's attorney is also contending the HOA "dumped trash" on his client's title with dubious liens.

Post hailstorm email from HOA ticks off residents

PROSPER — An e-mail sent by a homeowners' association in Prosper is angering victims of Sunday night's thunderstorms. Neighbors in the Preston Lakes subdivision worry that community rules outlining homes' appearance may slow their rebuilding from damage caused by the violent storm that pelted properties with golf ball-sized hailstones.

"You don't say that less than 24 hours after something like this hits you," said Cindy Stuver, who lost nearly half her windows to the hailstorm. "That's wrong!"  She and others are furious about the e-mail blast sent out by the local homeowners' association.

"This e-mail is to just make sure that everyone in our community is OK," HOA board member Shelly Van Blarcum wrote. The message went on to remind residents of the neighborhood guidelines that dictate homes' appearance — including the type of windows used and the color of shingles.
This story shows how HOAs are not viewed by their constituents as a helpful entity but instead as intrusive and over controlling.

Beyond Privatopia: Rethinking Residential Private Government

To be released on May 2. You can pre-order it by using the link.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

HOA that prohibited hoarding now talks smoking restrictions

"LAGUNA WOODS – The largest homeowners association in Laguna Woods Village that recently prohibited residents from hoarding, will consider a policy that would limit where residents can smoke. The board of directors for United Mutual, a cooperative housing association that governs 6323 units, will meet Tuesday to consider a policy that could prohibit smoking inside all or a portion of units and in common areas."
Can't hoard, can't's a neurotic supposed to have any fun?

HOA Information Office and Resource Center

HOA Information Office and Resource Center:
"The HOA Information Office and Resource Center provides information on the rights and duties of homeowners and associations under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. The Office is responsible for tracking inquiries and complaints."
I received this link from somebody who wishes to remain anonymous. If you live in Colorado and want to register a complaint about your HOA, this is the way to do it.