Saturday, April 16, 2011

Beyond Privatopia: Rethinking Residential Private Government

To be released on May 2. You can pre-order it by using the link.


  1. Well, a long time in coming! Is there a promotional flyer for reading?

  2. To: W. Smith
    From: Victory Mansions HOA
    Subj: Violation Courtesy Notice

    Earlier today, UPS attempted to deliver a package to your residence from

    As required by the CC&Rs that you agreed to, all letters and packages delivered to our members are routed through BB Professional Property Management Company for inspection of the contents.

    It was discovered that you had ordered a copy of Evan McKenzie's new book, Beyond Privatopia, without approval from the association's Board of Directors. As the contract you agreed when unilaterally amended without your consent at a later date unclearly states, "Reading material must be on the community's approved list, and procurement must be given explicit approval by the Board of Directors beforehand."

    Not only is Beyond Privatopia not on the community's approved list, but it is on the explicit forbidden list. Both of these lists are available form BB Professional Property Management Company for a fee of $75 each. A copy of each list is included with this Violation Courtesy Notice, and a total of $150 has been automatically deducted from your account at Victory Community Credit Union (a non-profit banking institution chartered for the benefit of the members of Victory Mansions HOA, which all members of the association are voluntarily required to have their paychecks directly deposited to).

    Furthermore, our internet server logs show that you did not access from your home network connection. Therefore, you must have used another internet connection to order the book. As the contract you agreed to was later unilaterally amended to state, accessing the internet from any other network provider except fort the Common Interest ISP, which is included as a service to members of Victory Mansions HOA, is forbidden. You are being fined an additional $100 for breach of contract, which has automatically been deducted from your account at Victory Community Credit Union.

    In order to recover the costs of enforcing the CC&Rs, an additional $200 has been deducted form your account at Victory Community Credit Union to pay our collections attorneys for this violation courtesy notice.

    Because you are guilty of a thoughtcrime, an additional $100 has been deducted to fund our Community Associations Educational Initiative, so that you can be properly trained to be a good neighbor and help you avoid future violations of the rules that your neighbors take pride in following. This mandatory training will be conducted on Saturday morning in Common Interest Community Center. Admission is $25.

    If you wish to dispute any of these fees, please include a $1,000 non-refundable "fee disputation" fee required by the Board of Directors to consider whether your dispute has any merit. As volunteers, they give freely of their time to make your home a place to enjoy.

    We thank you for your voluntary compliance with these rules, and look forward to doing business with you in the future.

  3. Congratulations, Evan! It must feel great to see this book coming out.

  4. I look forward to reading this one!
