Friday, December 30, 2011

Pennsylvania commission: State spurred gated developments

Cost and government regulations spurred developers to build homes inside private communities, helping to explain the prevalence of these developments in the Poconos, a new state report shows.

At least 56,422 homes are within private community associations in Monroe and Pike counties. There have been financial incentives for both municipalities and developers to make communities private, according to the report released by the Joint State Government Commission.
A rare public sector accounting of the underlying dynamics that have fueled the rapid growth of Privatopia since 1970 and why HOAs are likely to end up in poor financial shape after their developers exit. Call it local government on the cheap.


  1. Thank you for posting this "accounting," of the State of Pennsylvania's role. Now, in these "private communities," in Pennsylvania, foreclosure by HOA's,(CID's), their attorney's, property managers, etc., are supposed to be illegal. Now, one of the worst cases in the nation, I am aware of is from Monroe County, PA and why, in this case ANYONE has been allowed to get away with was done to an innocent, female, single parent household, in the name of discrimination, targeting, farming, extortion and absolute maliciousness is reason for any reasonable person to ask, "what and why are these abuses allowed to occur and why is there not an investigation comparable to Las Vegas? In my opinion and experience, the abuses in these abusive groups, is a tragedy, an absolute tragedy and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and especially, those elected and empowered in Monroe County, PA should be ashamed, embarrassed and in jail!

  2. I am very glad to see this article posted on the blog. The writer of this article is Beth Brejle. I am posting a copy of an email I sent her and copied to others, in Pennsylvania and specifically, Monroe County, Pennsylvania where this news paper is based. For years, some have been asking for legitimate investigations into the horrible, greed driven, discriminating, fraudulent and I believe, intentional foreclosures of unsuspecting, innocent, bill paying, due paying, maintenance paying homeowners by some "abusive," criminal groups and their related accomplices. This may just include some attorneys, in this locale. Extortion based, created conflict, fraudulent foreclosures, for "fees," the attorney created in their role as the HOA (CID) attorney. A slapp lawsuit. when a simple question was asked, of an HOA attorney, from Monroe County, PA, for clarification, and the unsuspecting homeowner was railroaded, dragged through the courts, like a criminal and given a ticket to homelessness. This is just ONE of these "abusive," groups, I am familiar with there. Funny, too slapp lawsuits, have been illegal in Pennsylvania since about 1996! Here is the email:

    Hi Ms.Brejle,
    Nice article and about time some accountability for the "expansion" of these MANDATORY ASSOCIATIONS, I wonder, however, did "the state," tell those in the abusive groups to target, terrorize, destroy property, drive innocent and vulnerable populations from their homes, with ongoing terrorizing, harassment, discrimination (The New Domestic Violence, HOA Syndrome, etc...), file fraudulent "slapp," lawsuits against unsuspecting people, families, "created conflict," for cash and extortion based liens, fines, assessments, and foreclosure? Forcing extortion bankruptcy's? For, maybe insurance proceeds, or to cover the fact "they," were stealing, providing jobs for friends, or out of sheer maliciousness (easiest to get)? Anything "they," could make up, whether or not true, or if they even had any authority? I can guarantee you "they," do/did not have the authority, not even in any contract.
    Oh, those "kinds," of foreclosures are illegal in Pennsylvania, everyone says and especially, every elected official, so why have they happened and probably still are happening. The Editor, of you paper, Mr. Watson, denies they happen. This is absolutely untrue! Well, let me tell you first hand they did, probably still do and it is about time the Justice Department steps in and puts the thieves, thugs and bullies in jail, no matter who they are. Please see the next email and hopefully sometime in the near future we will see a site like this about Monroe County, PA. It is long overdue. My opinion, Monroe County, PA and this absolute horror, outright theft of property, destroying lives, careers and finances, should be called, "Homes For Handshakes." Not all, of course are so abusive, but when they are there is no place for the innocent homeowner to go. Absolutely, no place!
    Ms. Brejle, please write an article to educate the innocent and vulnerable populations in these groups, thinking of purchasing in these groups, or those maybe caught in one of these extortion foreclosures. Especially, single women, single parent households the elderly and disabled.
    Thank you.

  3. Advocate for HOA Foreclosure VictimDecember 30, 2011 at 4:46:00 PM CST

    Advocate for Homeowner Association Foreclosure Victim Says:
    Monroe County, Pennsylvania, is the only area of the US, where an innocent homeowner, who happens to be the acting president of one board, due to a former mess, by the former board president (who had been a local attorney), and proceeded her, is forced to ask a question of the "hierarchy," HOA attorney, because she had to, under the law (fiduciary duty and vote), and the HOA Attorney and one board member violated every and all of their by laws, covenants, etc..knowingly, fraudulently sued her and made homeless due to the attorneys "legal fee," extortion and fraud upon the courts. Absolutely, crazy and unthinkable. The abusers belong in jail, in my opinion and the innocent rectified. The other question I have is how many more like her is there, that no one will talk about, investigate, or acknowledge?

  4. Thank you for posting this "accounting," of the State of Pennsylvania's role. Now, in these "private communities," in Pennsylvania, foreclosure by HOA's,(CID's), their attorney's, property managers, etc., are supposed to be illegal. In my opinion, one of the worst abuse and foreclosure cases in the nation, I am aware of, is from Monroe County, PA and why, in this case ANYONE has been allowed to get away with was done to an innocent, female, single parent household, in the name of discrimination, targeting, farming, extortion and absolute maliciousness is reason for any reasonable person to ask, "what and why are these abuses allowed to occur and why is there not an investigation comparable to Las Vegas?" In my opinion and experience, the abuses in these abusive groups, is a tragedy, an absolute tragedy and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and especially, those elected and empowered in Monroe County, PA should be ashamed, embarrassed and some in jail!

  5. I am very glad to see this article posted on the blog. The writer of this article is Beth Brejle. I am posting a copy of an email I sent her and copied to others, in Pennsylvania and specifically, Monroe County, Pennsylvania where this news paper is based. For years, some have been asking for legitimate investigations into the horrible, greed driven, discriminating, fraudulent and I believe, intentional foreclosures of unsuspecting, innocent, bill paying, due paying, maintenance paying homeowners by some "abusive," criminal groups and their related accomplices. This may just include some attorneys, in this locale. Extortion based, created conflict, fraudulent foreclosures, for "fees," the attorney created in their role as the HOA (CID) attorney. A slapp lawsuit. when a simple question was asked, of an HOA attorney, from Monroe County, PA, for clarification, and the unsuspecting homeowner was railroaded, dragged through the courts, like a criminal and given a ticket to homelessness. This is just ONE of these "abusive," groups, I am familiar with there. Funny, too slapp lawsuits, have been illegal in Pennsylvania since about 1996! Here is the email:

    Hi Ms.Brejle,
    Nice article and about time some accountability for the "expansion" of these MANDATORY ASSOCIATIONS, I wonder, however, did "the state," tell those in the abusive groups to target, terrorize, destroy property, drive innocent and vulnerable populations from their homes, with ongoing terrorizing, harassment, discrimination (The New Domestic Violence, HOA Syndrome, etc...), file fraudulent "slapp," lawsuits against unsuspecting people, families, "created conflict," for cash and extortion based liens, fines, assessments, and foreclosure? Forcing extortion bankruptcy's? For, maybe insurance proceeds, or to cover the fact "they," were stealing, providing jobs for friends, or out of sheer maliciousness (easiest to get)? Anything "they," could make up, whether or not true, or if they even had any authority? I can guarantee you "they," do/did not have the authority, not even in any contract.
    Oh, those "kinds," of foreclosures are illegal in Pennsylvania, everyone says and especially, every elected official, so why have they happened and probably still are happening. The Editor, of you paper, Mr. Watson, denies they happen. This is absolutely untrue! Well, let me tell you first hand they did, probably still do and it is about time the Justice Department steps in and puts the thieves, thugs and bullies in jail, no matter who they are. Please see the next email and hopefully sometime in the near future we will see a site like this about Monroe County, PA. It is long overdue. My opinion, Monroe County, PA and this absolute horror, outright theft of property, destroying lives, careers and finances, should be called, "Homes For Handshakes." Not all, of course are so abusive, but when they are there is no place for the innocent homeowner to go. Absolutely, no place!
    Ms. Brejle, please write an article to educate the innocent and vulnerable populations in these groups, thinking of purchasing in these groups, or those maybe caught in one of these extortion foreclosures. Especially, single women, single parent households the elderly and disabled.
    Thank you.
