Thursday, December 15, 2011

Meter company sends city $13.5 million bill for disabled parking - Chicago Sun-Times

Meter company sends city $13.5 million bill for disabled parking - Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago Parking Meters LLC sent the city a $13.5 million bill to cover losses from people who used disability placards or license plates to park for free in metered spots between Feb. 28, 2010, and Feb. 28, 2011, records show. The parking-meter company didn’t gauge how many of those drivers were legitimately disabled — though its surveys have city officials convinced that fraud played a major role in the bill being that high.
Here is the latest insult on top of injury from the mysterious combine that owns Chicago's parking meters. Former Mayor Daley jammed through the Bozo the Clown city council what is probably the stupidest privatization arrangement in the history of any major city, and it just keeps on giving and giving--problems, that is. Nobody can really figure out who actually owns the meters during this long-term lease. This LLC is just a front for some weird combination of investor groups--apparently the main investors are sovereign wealth funds from the Middle East.

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