Friday, November 18, 2011

Stephens Media Completely Capitulates In Democratic Underground/Righthaven Case | Techdirt

Stephens Media Completely Capitulates In Democratic Underground/Righthaven Case | Techdirt
The key Righthaven case, in which the details of the strategic agreement between Righthaven and Stephens Media were finally released, was Righthaven's lawsuit against the Democratic Underground. DU, with help from lawyers at the EFF and Fenwick and West, countersued Stephens Media, arguing that it, not Righthaven, was really behind the lawsuits. That resulted in the release of the agreement between the two companies, and the court dismissed Righthaven from the proceedings... while keeping Stephens Media in the case. The Democratic Underground filed a motion for summary judgment... and in its response, Stephens Media has almost totally capitulated -- admitting that the Democratic Underground's use was "fair use"
You can read the court documents yourself.

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